Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Universal Studio Singapore / 新加坡环球影城

昨天下午请了半天假,去新加坡环球影城转了转。新加坡环球影城坐落了圣淘沙内,搭乘地铁至Harbourfront站,然后走去Vivo City三楼的Monorail站台,我并不清楚门票是多少钱,因为我申请了Completary Pass,上岛是免费的,这当然也包括了乘坐Monorail的钱。只需坐一站便可到达环球影城,这几天roller coaster坏了,但门票依旧不减,仍然是66块,(星期六,星期天,节假日及节假日的前一天,票价更是达到72块,这其中包括10块钱的餐饮券和5块钱的购物券,但只限当天消费。由于我们两点才到达,一到就去吃东西,我们选了一间西式的Cafe,我只叫了一个蔬菜三明治,一杯果汁,哇塞,竟高达S$10.80。然后又看了两场表演,(一场是Rock & Roll音乐,另一场是水上世界表演),感觉。。。还凑合。玩了三个Attraction。(Antient Egypt, Canopy Flyer和Jurassic Park) 第一个有一点点恐怖,也会造成一点点头晕,不过值得一试,玩这个项目的时候需要把随身物品先存起来,旁边就是Locker,免费但不可超过30分钟。Jurassic Park会打湿衣服,而且是全身湿透的那种,很不舒服,建议要带雨衣去,它并不需要存包,但旁边也有一个Locker,但这个收费每小时4块,建议不要使用。Canopy Flyer时间很短,没有太大惊险,也无需存包。建议游环球影城需一整天时间,因为它六点就关门了。如果像我们这样只去半天,时间上很赶,无法真正享受。如果你问我值不值票价,我的回答是如果你在20岁以下,会很享受,应该是值得的,但如果你已经超过20岁了,应该没什么太大兴趣了, 因而多多少少会觉得有点贵。

Yesterday afternoon, I took a half day off-in-lieu and went to the Universal Studio Singapore. It is located inside Sentosa. We took the MRT to Harbourfront station, and from there we go on the monorail. The monorail station is on the third floor of Vivocity shopping Mall. I’m not so sure about the entrance fee as I was given Complementary Pass from my company which included the monorail fare. It only one stop to reach Universal Studio. The roller coaster broke down recently, but the cost of admission is still the same. (S$66 for weekdays and S$72 for weekends, public holidays and the eve of the public holidays) The price includes a S$10 voucher for food and a S$5 retail voucher which can only be used on the day. We arrived at 2:00pm and straight away went to the western cafe. I ordered only one vegetarian salad and one cup of orange juice. Guess how much? It was S$10.80. After that we watched 2 shows; (one was a performance of ‘monster rock’ and the other was ‘water world’). It’s…well..OK. We also tried 3 attractions, namely Ancient Egypt, Canopy Flyer and Jurassic Park. The first one was a bit scary and makes you dizzy, but definitely worth trying. You are required to place all of belongings inside the lockers provided. The lockers are free for 30min. After that the cost can be quite high. Jurassic Park will get you full soaked. So it’s better to bring a rain coat with you. You can bring your belongings with you but make sure that you cover them with your rain coat. The Locker services there will charge S$4/hour, but it’s not necessary to use this service. The Canopy Flyer is quite short and not very scary. Locker services are not necessary also.
Some suggestions:
It needs one whole day as it closes at 6:00pm. Otherwise it will be too much to try and cram in, and cannot really be enjoyed. If you ask me whether it’s worth S$66, well, I shall say that if you are under age 20… yes. If you are older than 20, I don’t think that you will enjoy it that so much and I guess it’s a bit expensive.